Miscellaneous openings in freeboard and superstructure decks.

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§ 42.15-40 Miscellaneous openings in freeboard and superstructure decks.

(a) Manholes and flush scuttles in position 1 or 2 or within superstructures other than enclosed superstructures shall be closed by substantial covers capable of being made watertight. Unless secured by closely spaced bolts, the covers shall be permanently attached.

(b) Openings in freeboard decks other than hatchways, machinery space openings, manholes, and flush scuttles shall be protected by an enclosed superstructure, or by a deckhouse or companionway of equivalent strength and weathertightness. Any such opening in an exposed superstructure deck or in the top of a deckhouse on the freeboard deck which gives access to a space below the freeboard deck or a space within an enclosed superstructure shall be protected by an efficient deckhouse or companionway. Doorways in such deckhouses or companionways shall be fitted with doors complying with the requirements of § 42.15-10(a).

(c) In position 1 the height above the deck of sills to the doorways in companionways shall be at least 2312 inches. In position 2 they shall be at least 15 inches.

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10061, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9014, June 5, 1969]

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