Special operating requirements for tank barges carrying certain dangerous bulk cargoes - B/ALL.

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§ 35.01-50 Special operating requirements for tank barges carrying certain dangerous bulk cargoes - B/ALL.

(a) The requirements of this section shall apply to all tank barges carrying those cargoes listed on table 30.25-1, of this chapter, which are defined as:

(1) Flammable liquids having a Reid vapor pressure in excess of 25 pounds per square inch, absolute, in independent tanks (part 32 of this subchapter).

(2) Liquefied flammable gases (part 38 of this subchapter).

(b) All tank barges constructed or modified in conformance with the requirements of subpart 32.63 of this subchapter are exempt from the provisions of § 35.01-45.

(c) When it is necessary to operate box or square-end barges as lead barges of tows, the person in charge of the towing vessel shall control the speed to insure protection against diving and swamping of such barges, having due regard to their design and freeboard, and to the operating conditions.

(d) All barges, while carrying in bulk any of the cargoes described in paragraph (a) of this section, shall be operated in conformance with the provisions of this section. However, the provisions of this section are not applicable to such barges when empty and gas-freed.

(e) Barges shall not be moved from a loading facility unless all bilges and void spaces (except those used for ballasting) are substantially free of water. Periodic inspections and necessary pumping shall be carried out to insure maintenance of such water-free condition in order to minimize the free surface effects, both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Except when otherwise considered necessary for inspection or pumping, all hatch covers and other hull closure devices for void spaces and hull compartments other than cargo spaces shall be closed and secured at all times.

(f) During the time the cargo tanks contain dangerous cargoes described in paragraph (a) of this section in any amount, in the liquid or gaseous state, the barge shall be under constant surveillance.

(1) A strict watch of each unmanned barge in tow shall be maintained from the towing vessel while underway.

(2) A towing vessel engaged in transporting such unmanned barges shall not leave them unattended. When a barge is moored, but not gas free, it shall be under the observation of a watchman who may be a member of the complement of the towing vessel, or a terminal employee, or other person. Such person shall be responsible for the security of the barge and for keeping unauthorized persons off the barge.

(g) The owner, operator, master, or person in charge of any barge carrying dangerous cargoes described in paragraph (a) of this section shall insure that, while the barge is being towed and during cargo transfer operations, the persons as required by § 31.15-5 of this subchapter and § 35.35-1 are provided.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16704, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGFR 70-10, 35 FR 3709, Feb. 25, 1970; CGD 73-243, 45 FR 18000, Mar. 20, 1980]

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