Breathing supply hoses.

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§ 197.312 Breathing supply hoses.

(a) Each breathing supply hose must -

(1) Have a maximum working pressure that is equal to or exceeds -

(i) The maximum working pressure of the section of the breathing supply system in which used; and

(ii) The pressure equivalent of the maximum depth of the dive relative to the supply source plus 100 psig;

(2) Have a bursting pressure of four times its maximum working pressure;

(3) Have connectors that -

(i) Are made of corrosion-resistant material;

(ii) Are resistant to accidental disengagement; and

(iii) Have a maximum working pressure that is at least equal to the maximum working pressure of the hose to which they are attached; and

(4) Resist kinking by -

(i) Being made of kink-resistant materials; or

(ii) Having exterior support.

(b) Each umbilical must -

(1) Meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section; and

(2) Be marked from the diver or open bell end in 10-foot intervals to 100 feet and in 50-foot intervals thereafter.

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