Description of lifeboat equipment.

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§ 169.529 Description of lifeboat equipment.

(a) Bailer. The bailer must have a lanyard attached and must be of sufficient size and suitable for bailing.

(b) Bilge pump. Bilge pumps must be approved under subpart 160.044 of this chapter. They must be of the size given in Table 169.529(b) depending upon the capacity of the lifeboat as determined by the six-tenths rule as described in § 160.035-9(b) of this chapter.

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Table 169.529(b)

Capacity of lifeboat, cubic feet Bilge pump size
Over - Not over -
330 1
330 700 2
700 3

(c) Boathooks. Boathooks must be of the single hook ballpoint type. Boathook handles must be of clear grained white ash, or equivalent, and of a length and diameter as given in Table 169.529(c).

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Table 169.529(c)

Length of lifeboat, feet Boathook handles
Over - Not over - Diameter, inches Length, feet
23 1.50 8
23 29 1.75 10
29 2 12

(d) Bucket. Each bucket must be of heavy gage galvanized iron, or other suitable corrosion-resistant metal, of not less than 2-gallon capacity, and must have a 6-foot lanyard of 12-thread manila or equivalent attached.

(e) Compass and mounting. The compass and mounting must be of an approved type.

(f) Ditty bag. The ditty bag must consist of a canvas bag or equivalent and must contain a sailmaker's palm, needles, sail twine, marline, and marline spike.

(g) Drinking cups. Drinking cups must be enamel coated or plastic, graduated in milliliters or ounces, and provided with lanyards 3 feet in length.

(h) Fire extinguishers. Each fire extinguisher must be an approved Type B-C, Size I. One must be attached to each end of the lifeboat.

(i) First-aid kit. The first-aid kit must be approved under subpart 160.041 of this chapter.

(j) Flashlights. Each flashlight must be approved under § 94.20-15(j) of this chapter. Three spare cells (or one 3-cell battery) and two spare bulbs, stowed in a watertight container, must be provided with each flashlight. Batteries must be replaced yearly during the annual stripping, clearing, and overhaul of the lifeboat.

(k) Hatchets. Hatchets must be approved under subpart 160.013 of this chapter. They must be attached to the lifeboat by individual lanyards and be readily available for use, one at each end of the lifeboat.

(l) Heaving line. The heaving line must be of adequate strength, 10 fathoms in length, and 1 inch in circumference. It must remain buoyant after being submerged for 24 hours.

(m) Jackknife. The jackknife must be approved under subpart 160.043 of this chapter.

(n) Ladder, lifeboat gunwale. The lifeboat gunwale ladder must consist of 3 flat wood steps with cut outs for hand holds. The steps must be spaced 12 inches apart and fastened with 58 inch diameter manila rope or equivalent. Each rope end must be tied inside the lifeboat at about amidships with the ladder stowed on top of the side benches and ready for immediate use.

(o) Lantern. The lantern must contain sufficient oil to burn for at least 9 hours, and be ready for immediate use. In totally enclosed lifeboats, an interior lighting system may be used in lieu of a lantern.

(p) Lifeline. The lifeline must be properly secured to both sides of the lifeboat along its entire length, festooned in bights not longer than 3 feet, with a seine float in each bight. The float may be omitted if the line is of an inherently buoyant material and absorbs little or no water. The lifeline must be of a size and strength not less than 38-inch diameter manila. The bights must hang to within 12 inches of the water when the lifeboat is light.

(q) Life preservers. Life preservers must be of an approved type. These preservers are in addition to those required by § 169.539 of this chapter.

(r) Locker. The locker must be suitable for the storage and preservation of the small items of equipment required under § 169.527.

(s) Mast and sail. A unit, consisting of a standing lug sail together with the necessary spars and rigging, must be provided in accordance with Table 169.529(s). The sails must be of good quality canvas, or other material acceptable to the Commandant, colored Indian Orange (Cable No. 70072, Standard Color Card of America). Rigging must consist of galvanized wire rope not less than three-sixteenths inch in diameter. The mast and sail must be protected by a suitable cover.

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Table 169.529(s)

Length of lifeboat, feet Standing lug sail Commercial designation number Mast1 Yard1
Over - Not over - Area, square feet Luff and head lengths Leach length Foot length Clew to throat Ounces per square yard Length Diameter, inches Length Diameter, inches
Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches
17 58 5 11 12 1 8 10 10 10 14.35 10 11 2 3 6 11 2
17 19 74 6 8 13 8 10 0 12 2 14.35 10 12 6 3 7 8 2
19 21 93 7 5 15 1 11 2 13 8 14.35 10 13 10 312 8 5 212
21 23 113 8 3 16 11 12 4 15 1 14.35 10 15 2 312 9 3 212
23 25 135 9 0 18 6 13 6 16 6 14.35 10 16 6 4 10 0 3
25 27 158 9 9 20 0 14 7 17 10 17.50 8 17 10 4 10 9 3
27 29 181 10 5 21 5 15 7 19 1 17.50 8 19 2 412 11 5 314
29 31 203 11 0 22 8 16 6 20 3 20.74 6 20 6 412 12 0 314

(t) Matches. A box of friction matches in a watertight container, stowed in an equipment locker or secured to the underside of the stern thwart if no locker is fitted, must be provided.

(u) Mirrors, signaling. Signaling mirrors must be of an approved type.

(v) Oars. A unit, consisting of a complement of rowing oars and steering oar, must be provided for each lifeboat in accordance with Table 169.529(v) except that motor-propelled and hand-propelled lifeboats need only be equipped with four rowing oars and one steering oar. In any case, the emergency lifeboats must be provided with the full complement of oars prescribed by the table. All oars must be buoyant.

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Table 169.529(v)

Length of lifeboat (feet) Number of oars - Length of oars (feet) -
Over - Not over - Rowing Steering Rowing Steering
15 4 1 8 9
15 19 6 1 10 11
19 21 6 1 11 12
21 23 6 1 12 13
23 25 8 1 13 14
25 27 8 1 14 15
27 8 1 15 16

(w) Oil, illuminating. One quart of illuminating oil must be provided in a metal container if a lantern is carried.

(x) Oil, storm. One gallon of vegetable, fish, or animal oil must be provided in a suitable metal container so constructed as to permit a controlled distribution of oil on the water, and so arranged that it can be attached to the sea anchor.

(y) Painter. Painters must be of manila rope not less than 234 inches in circumference, or equivalent, and of a length not less than 3 times the distance between the deck on which the lifeboat is stowed and the light draft of the vessel. For lifeboats on vessels certificated for exposed or partially protected water service, one of the painters must have a long eye splice and be attached to the thwart with a toggle. The other painter must be attached to the stem.

(z) Plug. The automatic drain required in the lifeboat must be provided with a cap or plug attached to the lifeboat by a suitable chain.

(aa) Provisions. Approved emergency rations must be provided, consisting of 10,000 kJ (2390 calories) for each person the lifeboat is approved to carry. The provisions must be stowed in lockers or other compartments providing suitable protection.

(bb) Rowlocks. A unit, consisting of sufficient rowlocks and rowlock sockets for each oar required by Table 169.529(v) plus 2 additional rowlocks must be provided. The rowlocks must be attached to the lifeboat by separate chains so as to be available for immediate use, except that the 2 additional spare rowlocks must be carried in the equipment locker or stowed near the stern if no locker is fitted. The rowlocks and rowlock sockets must be distributed so as to provide the maximum amount of single banked oars practicable.

(cc) Rudder and tiller. The rudder and tiller must be constructed in accordance with § 160.035-3(t) of this chapter.

(dd) Sea anchor. The sea anchor must be of an approved type.

(ee) Signals, distress, floating orange smoke. The floating orange smoke distress signals must be approved under subpart 160.022 of this chapter. The signals must be replaced no later than the first annual stripping, cleaning, and overhaul of the lifeboat after the date of expiration.

(ff) Signals, distress, red hand flare. A unit consists of twelve hand red flare distress signals approved under subpart 160.021 or 160.023 of this chapter and stored in a watertight container. Signals must be replaced no later than the first annual stripping, cleaning, and overhaul of the lifeboat after the date of expiration.

(gg) Signals, distress, red parachute flare. A unit consists of twelve parachute red flare distress signals with an approved means of projection approved under subparts 160.024 and 160.028 respectively; or twelve approved hand-held rocket-propelled parachute red flare distress signals approved under subpart 160.036. Flares must be stored in a portable watertight container. Flares must be replaced no later than the first annual stripping, cleaning, and overhaul of the lifeboat after the date of expiration.

(hh) Tool kit. The tool kit must consist of at least the following tools in a suitable container:

(1) One 12-ounce ball peen hammer.

(2) One screwdriver with 6-inch blade.

(3) One pair 8-inch slip joint pliers.

(4) One 8-inch adjustable end wrench.

(ii) Water.

(1) For each person the lifeboat is certified to carry, there must be provided three quarts of drinking water in containers approved under subpart 160.026. Water must be replaced no later than the first annual stripping, cleaning, and overhaul of the lifeboat after date of expiration.

(2) One or more desalting kits, approved under subpart 160.058 of this chapter, may be used as a substitute for one-third of the drinking water required.

(3) The drinking water must be stowed in drinking water tanks, lockers, or other compartments providing suitable protection.

(jj) Whistle, signaling. The whistle must be of the ball-type or multi-tone type, of corrosion resistant construction, with a 36-inch lanyard attached, and in good working order.

(kk) Fishing kit. The fishing kit must be approved under subpart 160.061 of this chapter.

(ll) Cover, protecting. The cover must be of highly visible color and capable of protecting the occupants against exposure.

(mm) Table of lifesaving signals. The table of lifesaving signals must be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V, Regulation 16, of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and must be printed on water resistant paper.

[CGD 83-005, 51 FR 896, Jan. 9, 1986, as amended by CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50468, Sept. 29, 1995]

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