Procedure for acceptance.

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§ 164.120-9 Procedure for acceptance.

(a) Fire retardant resin is not subject to formal approval, but will be accepted by the Coast Guard on the basis of this subpart for use in the manufacture of lifesaving equipment. Coast Guard acceptance of fire retardant resin for use in the manufacture of lifesaving equipment does not guarantee Coast Guard acceptance of the manufactured lifesaving equipment.

(b) Resin manufacturer requirements. The resin manufacturer must submit the test report, material data sheet, including instructions for use, and quality control procedures in accordance with 46 CFR 159.005-9.

(c) Independent laboratory requirements. The independent laboratory must perform each inspection and test required by § 164.120-7 of this subpart, and prepare a report in accordance with 46 CFR 159.005-11 and submit the report to the Commandant for acceptance.

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