(a) Container. The container shall be made of ethyl cellulose, clear, type EM - 1, Specification MIL-P-3412 or better. The dimensions shall not exceed those specified in Figure 2. Other packaging arrangements acceptable to the Commandant will be considered.
(b) Card. A card showing leader knots and hitches shall be provided as per Figure 1. Size of card should not exceed 23⁄4 by 43⁄4 inches.
(c) Hooks. Unless otherwise specified, all hooks shall be of forged steel, hollow ground with filed out points. The hooks shall be of ringed type and shall be tinned. Hooks shall be tempered, tough, flexible, and resilient.
(d) Leaders. Wire leaders shall be of stainless steel, and shall be attached to snaps and swivels with not less than six turns of wire. Monofilament leaders shall be blue mist and shall be provided with a 5⁄8-inch inside diameter end loop on one end.
(e) Snaps and swivels. Swivels shall be either of brass or bronze. Snaps shall be stainless steel.
(f) Lines. Unless otherwise specified nylon lines shall be hard braided, waterproofed, and heat set to reduce “stretch”. Lines may be either camouflage or mist in color.
(g) Spoons. Spoons shall be of the single-blade, egg-shaped dished type with either fixed or free-swinging hooks. The spoons shall be stainless steel or stamped from brass and plated to resist corrosion. Each spoon shall, on the forward end, be provided with an eye for attachment to the line. Spoons having free-swinging hooks shall have the hooks attached by means of a split ring through a hole in the rear of the blade. In fixed-hook spoons, the hook shall be attached to the spoon by a screw and shall be shaped to conform to the contour of the spoon. Feathers, if provided, shall be yellow hackle feathers attached to the hook by wrapping with thread, and the wrapping coated with red lacquer.
(h) Winder. Winders shall conform to Figure 3, or shall be of an equivalent commercial design suitable to contain required length of line.
Figure 3 - Winder. Material: Packing; fiber, hard sheet, Specification HH-P-91; dimensions in inches: Unless otherwise specified; tolerances: Fractions plus or minus 1⁄32-inch.
(i) Booklet of instructions. The fishing instructions shall be prepared in pamphlet form, approximately 21⁄2 inches by 41⁄2 inches on parchment paper, in waterproof ink, with printing on one side of the paper only. The booklet shall contain a complete description of how and under what conditions each component should be used, and general suggestions for fishing. It shall be prepared in easy to read form in such a manner that a completely inexperienced person will know what equipment to use and how to use it. Both physical form and the contents of the booklet shall be specially approved by the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, prior to acceptance. A copy of approved contents for the instruction booklet will be furnished on request.