Type and model.

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§ 160.055-2 Type and model.

Each life preserver specified in this subpart is a:

(a) Standard, bib type, vinyl dip coated:

(1) Model 62, adult (for persons weighing over 90 pounds); or

(2) Model 66, child (for persons weighing less than 90 pounds); or

(b) Standard, bib type, cloth covered;

(1) Model 63, adult (for persons weighing over 90 pounds); or

(2) Model 67, child (for persons weighing less than 90 pounds); or

(c) Nonstandard, shaped type:

(1) Model,1 adult (for persons weighing over 90 pounds); or

(2) Model,[1] child (for persons weighing less than 90 pounds).

[CGD 72-163R, 38 FR 8121, Mar. 28, 1973, as amended by USCG-2014-0688, 79 FR 58285, Sept. 29, 2014]

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