(a) Specifications and Standards. This subpart makes reference to the following documents:
(1) Military Specifications:
MIL-W-530F - Webbing, Textile, Cotton, General Purpose, Natural or in Colors.
MIL-T-3530E - Thread and Twine; Mildew Resistant or Water Repellant Treated.
MIL-W-17337D - Webbing, Woven, Nylon.
MIL-C-43006D - Cloth and Strip Laminated, Vinyl-Nylon High Strength, Flexible.
(2) Federal Specifications:
CCC-C-700G - Cloth, Coated, Vinyl, Coated (Artificial Leather).
CCC-C-426D - Cloth, Drill, Cotton.
(3) Federal Standards:
No. 191 - Textile Test Methods.
No. 595A - Color.
No. 751A - Stitches, Seams, and Stitchings.
(4) Standards of ASTM:
ASTM D 413-82 (1993), Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property - Adhesion to Flexible Substrate - 160.055-3
ASTM D 570-95, Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics - 160.055-3
ASTM D 882-97, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting - 160.055-3
ASTM D 1004-94a, Standard Test Method for Initial Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting - 160.055-3
(5) Coast Guard specification:
164.015 - Plastic Foam, Unicellular, Buoyant, Sheet and Molded Shape.
(b) Plans. The following plans, of the issue in effect on the date unicellular plastic foam life preservers are manufactured, form a part of this subpart:
Dwg. No. 160.055-IA:
Sheet 1 - Construction and Arrangement, Vinyl Dip Coated, Model 62, Adult.
Sheet 2 - Construction and Arrangement, Vinyl Dip Coated, Model 66, Child.
Dwg. No. 160.055-IB:
Sheet 1 - Construction and Arrangement, Cloth Covered, Model 63, Adult.
Sheet 2 - Buoyant Inserts, Model 63.
Sheet 3 - Construction and Arrangement, Cloth Covered, Model 67, Child.
Sheet 4 - Buoyant Inserts, Model 67.
(c) Copies on file. Copies of the specifications, standards, and plans referred to in this section shall be kept on file by the manufacturer, together with the approved plans and certificate of approval. The Coast Guard Specification and plans may be obtained upon request from the Commandant (CG-ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7509. The Federal standards may be obtained from the General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service, Office of the FAS Commissioner, 2200 Crystal Drive, 11th Floor, Arlington, VA 22202; telephone 703-605-5400. The Military Specifications may be obtained from the Military Specifications and Standards, Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, https://assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/. The ASTM Standards may be purchased from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; telephone 877-909-2786 or Web site http://www.astm.org.
[CGFR 66-73, 32 FR 5500, Apr. 4, 1967, as amended by CGD 72-163R, 38 FR 8121, Mar. 28, 1973; CGD 78-012, 43 FR 27153, 27154, June 22, 1978; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34536, Sept. 7, 1988; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50467, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50733, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51048, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG-1999-5151, 64 FR 67184, Dec. 1, 1999; USCG-2009-0702, 74 FR 49237, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG-2013-0671; 78 FR 60157, Sept. 30, 2013]