Inspections and tests.

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§ 160.054-5 Inspections and tests.

(a) Salt spray. The container shall be exposed to a spray of 20 percent by weight of reagent grade sodium chloride at about 95 °F. for 100 hours. There shall be no disintegration of the material as a result of this test.

(b) Container Watertightness. With the required number of items inside, the closed container, with reclosable edge uppermost, shall be submerged under a head of one foot of water for a period of two hours. At the end of this period, the container shall be removed, surface dried, opened, and examined for the presence of moisture. No seepage shall be allowed.

[CGFR 60-36, 25 FR 10637, Nov. 5, 1960, as amended by CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51215, Sept. 30, 1997]

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