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§ 160.052-8 Marking.

(a) Each buoyant vest must have the following information clearly marked in waterproof lettering that can be read at a distance of 2 feet:

Inspected and tested in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard regulations.

(Name of buoyant material) provides a minimum buoyant force of (1512 lb., 11 lb., or 7 lb.).

Dry out thoroughly when wet.

Approved for use on all recreational boats and on uninspected commercial vessels less than 40 feet in length not carrying passengers for hire by persons weighing (over 90 lb., 50 to 90 lb., or less than 50 lb.).

U.S. Coast Guard Approval No. 160.050/(assigned manufacturer's No.)/(Revision No.); (Model No.).

(Name and address of manufacturer or distributor).

(Lot No.)

(b) Waterproof marking. Marking for buoyant vests shall be sufficiently waterproof so that after 72 hours submergence in water it will withstand vigorous rubbing by hand while wet without the printed matter becoming illegible.

[CGD 72-163R, 38 FR 8120, Mar. 28, 1973, as amended by CGD 75-008, 43 FR 9771, Mar. 9, 1978; USCG-2013-0263, 79 FR 56499, Sept. 22, 2014]

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