Size and model.

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§ 160.052-2 Size and model.

(a) A standard buoyant vest is manufactured in accordance with a plan specified in § 160.052-1(b) and is a:

(1) Model AP, adult (for persons over 90 pounds);

(2) Model CPM, child, medium (for persons weighing from 50 to 90 pounds); or

(3) Model CPS, child, small (for persons weighing less than 50 pounds).

(b) A nonstandard buoyant vest is:

(1) Manufactured in accordance with the manufacturer's approved plan;

(2) Equivalent in performance to the standard buoyant vest; and

(3) Assigned a model designation by the manufacturer for the following sizes:

(i) Adult (for persons weighing over 90 pounds);

(ii) Child, medium (for persons weighing from 50 to 90 pounds);

(iii) Child, small (for persons weighing less than 50 pounds).

[CGD 72-163R, 38 FR 8120, Mar. 28, 1973]

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