(a) Four rocket projectiles, each complete with bridle and leader of fire-resistant materials. Two of the projectiles shall be of the buoyant type.
(b) Not less than 4 primer-ejector cartridges which fit the chamber of the pistol, gun, or launcher.
(c) Four service lines, each 4 mm (5⁄32 in.) minimum diameter with a minimum breaking strength of at least 2,250 N (500 lb.), and in one continual length not less than that specified in the approval of the appliance carried, without splice, knot, or other retarding or weaking features. The length of each service line will be assigned in the approval of the appliance as a round number approximately one-third in excess of the average distance the line is carried in the tests required by § 160.040-7(c). The line shall be of either natural or synthetic fibers suitable for marine usage. The end of the line intended to be attached to the projectile shall have securely attached thereto a substantial tag bearing a permanent legend indicating its purpose, and the other end of the line shall be tagged in the same manner to prevent delay in securing proper and immediate action with the equipment. Each line shall be coiled, faked, or reeled in its own faking box or reel in such manner that when all the line leaves the container, it shall automatically become unattached and free from the container. The faking box or reel shall be big enough for the line. The reel type container shall consist of a reel upon which the line may be readily coiled and a canister or container into which the line may be placed that affords a fair lead through which the line may pay out. The reel must be so designed as to permit easy withdrawal after the line has been coiled. Containers of new lines shall bear the name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, and a statement to the effect that in all respects the line meets the requirements of this specification.
(d) [Reserved]
(e) One cleaning rod with wire brush of non-ferrous metal, prongs arranged in a spiral of sufficient rigidity and size to clean the bore.
(f) One can of oil suitable for cleaning and preserving the appliance.
(g) Twelve flannel wiping patches of sufficient size to cover the brush and suitable for wiping the bore clean.
(h) One set of instructions including a list of the equipment furnished with the appliance, information as to the proper maintenance of the appliance and equipment, and directions for loading and firing the appliance in service use shall be permanently engraved in plastic and mounted conspicuously in the case or box required by paragraph (i) of this section.
(i) A suitable case or box, properly compartmented for stowage of the appliance and auxiliary equipment, is required for stowage on merchant vessels. The service line and auxiliary line need not be stowed in the case.
[CGD 76-048a, CGD 76-048b, 44 FR 73089, Dec. 17, 1979, as amended by USCG-2014-0688, 79 FR 58285, Sept. 29, 2014]