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§ 160.021-2 Type.

(a) Hand red flare distress signals specified by this subpart shall be of one type which shall consist essentially of a wooden handle to which is attached a tubular casing having a sealing plug at the handle end, the casing being filled with a flare composition and having a button of ignition material at the top, with a removable cap having a friction striking material on its top which may be exposed for use by pulling a tear strip. The flare is ignited by scraping the friction striker on top of the cap against the igniter button on top of the flare. The general arrangement of the flare is shown by Figure No. 160.021-2(a). Alternate arrangements which conform to all the performance requirements of this specification (and other arrangements which conform with all performance requirements except candlepower and burning time, but provide not less than 3,000 candela-minutes with a minimum of 13 minute burning time) will be given special consideration.

(b) [Reserved]

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