(a) Paints, coatings, or other flammable or combustible products onboard a towing vessel must be stored in a designated storage room or cabinet when not in use.
(b) If a storage room is provided, it may be any room or compartment that is free of ignition sources.
(c) If a dedicated storage cabinet is provided it must be secured to the vessel so that it does not move and must be either:
(1) A flammable liquid storage cabinet that satisfies UL 1275 (incorporated by reference, see § 136.112 of this subchapter); or
(2) A flammable liquid storage cabinet that satisfies FM Approvals Standard 6050 (incorporated by reference, see § 136.112 of this subchapter); or
(3) Another suitable steel container that provides an equivalent level of protection.
(d) A 40-B portable fire extinguisher must be located near the storage room or cabinet. This is in addition to the portable fire extinguishers required by tables 142.230(a) and 142.230(b) of this part.
[USCG-2006-24412, 81 FR 40101, June 20, 2016, as amended by USCG-2017-1060, 83 FR 8180, Feb. 26, 2018]