Conduct of internal audits.

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§ 138.405 Conduct of internal audits.

(a) Internal audits are conducted by, or on behalf of, the management and may be performed by a designated employee or by contracted individual(s) who conduct the audit as if an employee of the owner or managing operator.

(b) Internal audits are not necessarily conducted as one event; they can be taken in segments over time.

(c) Internal audits must be of sufficient depth and breadth to ensure the owner or managing operator established adequate procedures and documentation to comply with the TSMS requirements of this part, that the TSMS was implemented throughout all levels of the organization, and that the owner or managing operator's vessels comply with this subchapter and the TSMS.

(d) The auditor must have the authority to examine documentation, question personnel, examine vessel equipment, witness system testing, and observe personnel training, including drills, as necessary to verify TSMS effectiveness.

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