TSMS certificate.

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§ 138.305 TSMS certificate.

(a) The owner or managing operator will be issued a TSMS certificate by a TPO when his or her organization is deemed in compliance with the TSMS requirements. It should be kept on file at the owner or managing operator's shoreside office and available for review, at the request of the Coast Guard.

(b) A TSMS certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of issue, unless suspended, revoked or rescinded as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.

(c) The vessel owner or managing operator must maintain a list of vessels currently covered by each TSMS certificate and must provide it to the Coast Guard upon request.

(d) A TSMS certificate may be suspended or revoked by the Coast Guard at any time for non-compliance with the requirements of this part.

(e) The TPO that issued the TSMS certificate may rescind the certificate for non-compliance with the requirements of this part.

(f) A copy of the TSMS certificate must be maintained on each towing vessel that is covered by the TSMS certificate and on file at the owner or managing operator's shoreside office.

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