Alternative annual inspection for offshore supply vessels less than 400 gross tons in foreign ports.

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§ 126.530 Alternative annual inspection for offshore supply vessels less than 400 gross tons in foreign ports.

(a) The owner, master or operator of an OSV of less than 400 gross tons may request authorization to conduct an alternative annual inspection in place of the annual inspection described in § 126.510(a) of this subpart. The request must go to the cognizant OCMI assigned responsibility for inspections in the country in which the vessel is operating and will be examined. To qualify for the alternative annual examination, the vessel must meet the following requirements:

(1) The request must be in writing and be received by the OCMI not later than the anniversary date.

(2) The vessel is likely to be continuously employed outside of the United States during the 3 months before and after each anniversary date.

(b) In determining whether to authorize the alternative annual inspection, the OCMI considers the following:

(1) Information contained in previous examination reports on inspection and drydock, including the recommendation of the then cognizant OCMI for participation in the alternative midperiod program and alternative annual examination.

(2) The nature, number, and severity of marine casualties or accidents, as defined in § 4.03-1 of this chapter, involving the vessel in the 3 years preceding the request.

(3) The nature, number, and gravity of any outstanding inspection requirements for the vessel.

(4) The owner's or operator's history of compliance and cooperation in such alternative midperiod examinations and annual inspections, including:

(i) The prompt correction of deficiencies.

(ii) The reliability of previously submitted reports on such alternative midperiod examinations and annual inspections.

(iii) The reliability of representations that the vessel would be, and was, employed outside of the United States during the 3 months before and after each anniversary date.

(c) This OCMI provides the applicant with written authorization, if any, to proceed with the alternative annual inspection, including, when appropriate, special instructions.

(d) The following conditions must be met for the alternative annual inspection to be accepted instead of the annual inspection required by § 126.510 of this subpart:

(1) The alternative annual inspection must occur within the 3 months before or after each anniversary date.

(2) The alternative annual inspection must be of the scope detailed by § 126.510(a) of this subchapter and must be conducted by the master, owner or operator of the vessel, or by a designated representative of the owner or operator.

(3) Upon completion of the alternative annual inspection, the person or persons making the examination must prepare a comprehensive report describing the conditions found. This report must contain sufficient detail to let the OCMI determine whether the vessel is fit for the service and route specified on the Certificate of Inspection. This report must include all reports and receipts documenting the servicing of lifesaving equipment and any photographs or sketches necessary to clarify unusual circumstances. Each person preparing this report must sign it and certify that the information contained therein is complete and accurate.

(4) Unless the master of the vessel participated in the alternative annual inspection and the preparation of the comprehensive report, the master will review the report for completeness and accuracy. The master must sign the report to indicate his or her review and validation and must forward it to the owner or operator of the vessel.

(5) The owner or operator of a vessel examined under this section must review and submit the comprehensive report, required by paragraph (d)(3) of this section, to the OCMI. The report must reach the OCMI before the first day of the fifth month following the anniversary date. The forwarding letter or endorsement must be certified to be true and must contain the following information:

(i) That the person or persons who made the alternative annual inspection acted on behalf of the vessel's owner or operator.

(ii) That the report was reviewed by the owner or operator.

(iii) That the discrepancies noted during the reinspection have been corrected, or will be within a stated time.

(iv) That the owner or operator has sufficient personal knowledge of conditions aboard the vessel at the time of the reinspection, or has conducted inquires necessary to justify forming a belief that the report is complete and accurate.

(e) The form of certification required under this section, for the alternative annual inspection, is as follows:

I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained in the report is complete and accurate.

(f) Deficiencies and hazards discovered during the alternative annual inspection conducted pursuant to this section must be corrected or eliminated, if practical, before the examination report is submitted to the OCMI in accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of this section. Deficiencies and hazards that are not corrected or eliminated by the time the examination report is submitted must be listed in the report as “outstanding.” Upon receipt of an examination report indicating outstanding deficiencies or hazards, the OCMI must inform the owner or operator in writing of the time period within which to correct or eliminate the deficiencies or hazards and the method for establishing that the corrections have been accomplished. Where a deficiency or hazard remains uncorrected or uneliminated after the expiration of the time specified for correction or elimination, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection must initiate appropriate enforcement measures.

(g) Upon receipt of the report, the OCMI will evaluate it and determine the following:

(1) Whether the cognizant OCMI accepts the alternative annual inspection instead of the annual inspection required by § 126.510(a) of this subpart.

(2) Whether the vessel is in satisfactory condition.

(3) Whether the vessel continues to be reasonably fit for its intended service and route.

(h) The OCMI may require further information necessary for the determinations required by this section. The OCMI will inform the owner or operator in writing of these determinations.

(i) If the OCMI, in compliance with paragraph (g) of this section, does not accept the alternative annual inspection instead of the annual inspection required by § 126.510(a) of this subpart, he or she will require reinspection of the vessel as soon as practicable. He or she will inform the vessel owner or operator in writing that the alternative examination is not acceptable and that a reinspection is necessary. The owner, master, or operator must make the vessel available for the reinspection at a time and place agreeable to this OCMI.

(j) If the OCMI determines, in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section, that the alternative annual inspection is accepted in lieu of the annual inspection required by § 126.510(a) of this subpart, the master must complete the applicable COI endorsement.

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