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§ 126.270 Amendment.

(a) An amended Certificate of Inspection may be issued at any time by any OCMI. The amended Certificate of Inspection replaces the original, but the expiration date remains the same as that of the original. An amended Certificate of Inspection may be issued to authorize and record a change in the dimensions, gross tonnage, owner, operator, manning, offshore workers permitted, route permitted, conditions of operations, equipment, or the like from that specified in the current Certificate of Inspection.

(b) A request for an amended Certificate of Inspection must be made to the cognizant OCMI by the owner or operator of the vessel at any time there is a change in the character of a vessel or in its route, equipment, ownership, operation, or similar factors specified in its current Certificate of Inspection.

(c) The cognizant OCMI may require an inspection before issuing an amended Certificate of Inspection.

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