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Sec. 12 Audit.

(a) The owner will audit as currently as possible subsequent to audit by the agent, all documents relating to the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels assigned under agency agreements.

(b) The agent shall maintain all documents in his principal office, for the time being in accordance with his customary practice of filing.

(c) Subsequent to audit by the owner, at such intervals as may be determined, the owner will authorize entries to be made to revenue and expense accounts and to accounts reflecting relations between the owner and the agent.


Books of accounts and documents referred to in the above order, shall be retained until the completion of the audit by the General Accounting Office, at which time the Maritime Administration will take custody of the records.

[16 FR 2885, Apr. 3, 1951, as amended at 21 FR 8105, Oct. 23, 1956. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980]

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