Extension of examination intervals.
CFR 46
Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
Small Passenger Vessels Carrying More Than 150 Passengers or with Overnight Accommodations for More Than 49 Passengers
Inspection and Certification
Hull and Tailshaft Examinations
- Extension of examination intervals.
The intervals between drydock examinations and internal structural examinations specified in § 115.600 of this part may be extended by the cognizant OCMI or Commandant.
[CGD 85-080, 61 FR 892, Jan. 10, 1996. Redesignated and amended by USCG-2000-6858, 67 FR 21080, 21082, Apr. 29, 2002; USCG-2013-0671, 78 FR 60153, Sept. 30, 2013]
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