(a) Each crane must be inspected and tested in accordance with Section 3 of the American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I.) Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes, API RP 2D, First Edition (October 1972) with supplement 1, except that the rated load test must be performed in accordance with § 107.260.
(b) The tests are witnessed and the inspections are conducted by -
(1) A Coast Guard marine inspector; or
(2) The American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.), or the International Cargo Gear Bureau, Inc. (I.C.G.B.) for cranes under certification by these organizations.
(c) If the tests and inspections are conducted by the A.B.S. or the I.C.G.B., the surveyor shall certify that the tests and inspections were conducted in accordance with the A.P.I. specification; or modified by § 107.260.