A request must include the following seven elements:
(a) A written narrative with supporting documentation thoroughly describing how the Native Hawaiian community drafted the governing document, as described in § 50.11;
(b) A written narrative with supporting documentation thoroughly describing how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document, consistent with § 50.12;
(c) The duly ratified governing document, as described in § 50.13;
(d) A written narrative with supporting documentation thoroughly describing how the Native Hawaiian community adopted or approved the governing document in a ratification referendum, as described in § 50.14;
(e) A written narrative with supporting documentation thoroughly describing how and when elections were conducted for government offices identified in the governing document, as described in § 50.15;
(f) A duly enacted resolution of the governing body authorizing an officer to certify and submit to the Secretary a request seeking the reestablishment of a formal government-to-government relationship with the United States; and
(g) A certification, signed and dated by the authorized officer, stating that the submission is the request of the governing body.