(a) The following table is a guide to the relevant contents of this subpart by subject matter.
For provisions relating to . . . | Consult . . . |
(1) Appeals to the Board of Indian Appeals generally | §§ 4.310 through 4.318. |
(2) Appeals to the Board of Indian Appeals from decisions of the Probate Hearings Division in Indian probate matters | §§ 4.201 and 4.320 through 4.326. |
(3) Appeals to the Board of Indian Appeals from actions or decisions of BIA | §§ 4.201 and 4.330 through 4.340. |
(4) Review by the Board of Indian Appeals of other matters referred to it by the Secretary, Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, or Director-Office of Hearings and Appeals | §§ 4.201 and 4.330 through 4.340. |
(5) Determinations under the White Earth Reservation Land Settlement Act of 1985 | §§ 4.350 through 4.357. |
(b) Except as limited by the provisions of this part, the regulations in subparts A and B of this part apply to these proceedings.
[73 FR 67287, Nov. 13, 2008]