Allocation of payments for services that straddle the episode.

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§ 510.325 Allocation of payments for services that straddle the episode.

(a) General. Services included in the episode that straddle the episode are prorated so that only the portion attributable to care furnished during the episode are included in the calculation of actual episode payments.

(b) Proration of services. Payments for services that straddle the episode are prorated using the following methodology:

(1) Non-IPPS inpatient services and other inpatient services. Non-IPPS inpatient services, and services furnished by other inpatient providers that extend beyond the end of the episode are prorated according to the percentage of the actual length of stay (in days) that falls within the episode.

(2) Home health agency services. Home health services paid under the prospective payment system in part 484, subpart E of this chapter are prorated according to the percentage of days, starting with the first billable service date (“start of care date”) and through and including the last billable service date, that occur during the episode. This methodology is applied in the same way if the home health services begin (the start of care date) prior to the start of the episode.

(3) IPPS services. IPPS claim amounts that extend beyond the end of the episode are prorated according to the geometric mean length of stay, using the following methodology:

(i) The first day of the IPPS stay is counted as 2 days.

(ii) If the actual length of stay that occurred during the episode is equal to or greater than the MS-DRG geometric mean, the normal MS-DRG payment is fully allocated to the episode.

(iii) If the actual length of stay that occurred during the episode is less than the geometric mean, the normal MS-DRG payment amount is allocated to the episode based on the number of inpatient days that fall within the episode.

(iv) If the full amount is not allocated to the episode, any remainder amount is allocated to the post-episode spending calculation (defined in § 510.2).

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