(a) Except when waived under §§ 456.505 through 456.508, FFP is not available in expenditures for Medicaid services furnished by a hospital or mental hospital unless the facility has in effect a UR plan that meets the utilization review requirements for Medicare under section 1861(k) of the Act.
(b) A facility that participates in Medicare and Medicaid must use the same UR standards and procedures and review committee for Medicaid as it uses for Medicare.
(c) A facility that does not participate in Medicare must meet the UR plan requirements in subpart C or D of this part, which are equivalent to the Medicare UR plan requirements in §§ 405.1137, 482.30, and 482.60 of this chapter.
[43 FR 45266, Sept. 29, 1978, as amended at 51 FR 22042, June 17, 1986; 61 FR 38399, July 24, 1996]