Transition period.

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§ 413.340 Transition period.

(a) Duration of transition period and proportions for the blended transition rate. Beginning with an SNF's first cost reporting period beginning on or after July 1, 1998, there is a transition period covering three cost reporting periods. During this transition phase, SNFs receive a payment rate comprising a blend of the adjusted Federal rate and a facility-specific rate. For the first cost reporting period beginning on or after July 1, 1998, payment is based on 75 percent of the facility-specific rate and 25 percent of the Federal rate. For the subsequent cost reporting period, the rate is comprised of 50 percent of the facility-specific rate and 50 percent of the Federal rate. In the final cost reporting period of the transition, the rate is comprised of 25 percent of the facility-specific rate and 75 percent of the Federal rate. For all subsequent cost reporting periods, payment is based entirely on the Federal rate.

(b) Calculation of facility-specific rate for the first cost reporting period. The facility-specific rate is computed based on the SNF's Medicare allowable costs from its fiscal year 1995 cost report plus an estimate of the amounts payable under Part B for covered SNF services (other than those services described in § 411.15(p)(2) of this chapter) furnished during fiscal year 1995 to individuals who were residents of SNFs and receiving Part A covered services. Allowable costs associated with exceptions, as described in § 413.30(f), are included in the calculation of the facility-specific rate. Allowable costs associated with exemptions, as described in § 413.30(e)(2), are included in the calculation of the facility-specific rate but only to the extent that they do not exceed 150 percent of the routine cost limit. Low Medicare volume SNFs that were paid a prospectively determined rate under § 413.300 for their cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 1995 will utilize that rate as the basis for the allowable costs of routine (operating and capital-related) expenses in determining the facility-specific rate. Each SNF's allowable costs are updated to the first cost reporting period to which the payment rates apply using annual factors equal to the SNF market basket percentage minus 1 percentage point.

(c) SNFs participating in the Multistate Nursing Home Case-Mix and Quality Demonstration. SNFs that participated in the Multistate Nursing Home Case-Mix and Quality Demonstration in a cost reporting period that began in calendar year 1997 will utilize their allowable costs from that cost reporting period, including prospective payment amounts determined under the demonstration payment methodology.

(d) Update of facility-specific rates for subsequent cost reporting periods. The facility-specific rate for a cost reporting period that is subsequent to the first cost reporting period is equal to the facility-specific rate for the first cost reporting period (described in paragraph (a) of this section) updated by the market basket index.

(1) For a subsequent cost reporting period beginning in fiscal years 1998 and 1999, the facility-specific rate is equal to the facility-specific rate for the previous cost reporting period updated by the applicable market basket index percentage minus one percentage point.

(2) For a subsequent cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 2000, the facility-specific rate is equal to the facility-specific rate for the previous cost reporting period updated by the applicable market basket index percentage.

(e) SNFs excluded from the transition period. SNFs that received their first payment from Medicare, under present or previous ownership, on or after October 1, 1995, are excluded from the transition period, and payment is made according to the Federal rates only.

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