(a) Method of payment. Under the prospective payment system, SNFs receive a per diem payment of a predetermined rate for inpatient services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries. The per diem payments are made on the basis of the Federal payment rate described in § 413.337 and, during a transition period, on the basis of a blend of the Federal rate and the facility-specific rate described in § 413.340. These per diem payment rates are determined according to the methodology described in §§ 413.337 and 413.340.
(b) Payment in full.
(1) The payment rates represent payment in full (subject to applicable coinsurance as described in subpart G of part 409 of this chapter) for all costs (routine, ancillary, and capital-related) associated with furnishing inpatient SNF services to Medicare beneficiaries other than costs associated with approved educational activities as described in § 413.85.
(2) In addition to the Federal per diem payment amounts, SNFs receive payment for bad debts of Medicare beneficiaries, as specified in § 413.89 of this part.
[63 FR 26309, May 12, 1998, as amended at 73 FR 46440, Aug. 8, 2008]