Recordkeeping and cost reporting requirements for outpatient maintenance dialysis.

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§ 413.198 Recordkeeping and cost reporting requirements for outpatient maintenance dialysis.

(a) Purpose and Scope. This section implements section 1881(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Act by specifying recordkeeping and cost reporting requirements for ESRD facilities under part 494 of this chapter. The records and reports will enable CMS to determine the costs incurred in furnishing outpatient maintenance dialysis as defined in § 413.170(a).

(b) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

(1) Each facility must keep adequate records and submit the appropriate CMS-approved cost report in accordance with §§ 413.20 and 413.24, which provide rules on financial data and reports, and adequate cost data and cost finding, respectively.

(2) The cost reimbursement principles set forth in this part (beginning with § 413.134, Depreciation, and excluding the principles listed in paragraph (b)(4) of this section), apply in the determination and reporting of the allowable cost incurred in furnishing outpatient maintenance dialysis treatments to patients dialyzing in the facility, or incurred by the facility in furnishing home dialysis service, supplies, and equipment.

(3) Allowable cost is the reasonable cost related to dialysis treatments. Reasonable cost includes all necessary and proper expenses incurred by the facility in furnishing the dialysis treatments, such as administrative costs, maintenance costs, and premium payments for employee health and pension plans. It includes both direct and indirect costs and normal standby costs. Reasonable cost does not include costs that -

(i) Are not related to patient care for outpatient maintenance dialysis;

(ii) Are for services or items specifically not reimbursable under the program;

(iii) Flow from the provision of luxury items or servicess (items or services substantially in excess of or more expensive than those generally considered necessary for the provision of needed health services); or

(iv) Are found to be substantially out of line with other institutions in the same area that are similar in size, scope of services, utilization, and other relevant factors.

(4) The following principles of this part do not apply in determining adjustments to allowable costs as reported by ESRD facilities:

(i) Section 413.157, Return on equity capital of proprietary providers;

(ii) Section 413.200, Reimbursement of OPAs and histocompatibility laboratories;

(iii) Section 413.9, Cost related to patient care (except for the principles stated in paragraph (b)(3) of this section); and

(iv) Sections 413.64, Payments to providers, and §§ 413.13, 413.30, 413.35, 413.40, 413.74, and §§ 415.55 through 415.70, § 415.162, and § 415.164 of this chapter, Principles of reimbursement for services by hospital-based physicians.

[62 FR 43668, Aug. 15, 1997, as amended at 73 FR 20474, Apr. 15, 2008]

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