If I am required to file a confidential or public financial disclosure report, must I report travel payments I receive from a non-Federal source on that report?

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§ 304-3.17 If I am required to file a confidential or public financial disclosure report, must I report travel payments I receive from a non-Federal source on that report?

Generally, no. As long as payments you receive from a non-Federal source are made to or on behalf of your agency, you are not required to report them as gifts on any confidential or public disclosure report you are personally required to file pursuant to law or Office of Government Ethics (OGE) regulations (5 CFR part 2634). However, you may be required to report any such payments that you and/or your accompanying spouse receive on your own behalf, rather than on the agency's behalf, pursuant to other reporting requirements (e.g., those required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978).


The confidential financial disclosure report is OGE Form 450 and the public financial disclosure report is SF 278.

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