May my agency determine that driving my POV is more advantageous and limit my reimbursement to what it would cost to drive my POV?

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§ 302-9.13 May my agency determine that driving my POV is more advantageous and limit my reimbursement to what it would cost to drive my POV?

Yes, your agency decides whether it is more advantageous for you and/or a member of your immediate family to drive your POV for all or part of the distance or to have it transported. If your agency decides that driving the POV is more advantageous, your reimbursement will be limited to the allowances provided in part 302-4 of this chapter for the travel and transportation expenses you and/or your immediate family incur en route.

[FTR Amdt. 98, 66 FR 58196, Nov. 20, 2001. Redesignated by FTR Amdt. 2011-06, 76 FR 71889, Nov. 21, 2011]

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