When paying allowances for expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions, you must:
(a) Determine who will authorize and approve residence transactions expenses on the employee's travel authorization;
(b) Determine who will review applications for reimbursement of residence transaction expenses;
(c) Determine who will authorize extensions beyond the 1-year limitation for completing sales and purchase or lease termination transactions, under §§ 302-11.420 and 302-11.421;
(d) Prescribe a claim application form which meets your internal administrative requirements;
(e) Require employees to submit a travel claim with appropriate documentation to support his/her payment of the expenses claimed, which must include as a minimum;
(1) The sales agreement,
(2) The purchase agreement,
(3) Property settlement documents,
(4) Loan closing statements, and
(5) Invoices or receipts for other bills paid; and
(f) Require employees to submit travel claims to his/her old official station for review and approval of the claim unless agency review and approval functions are performed elsewhere except as provided in § 302-11.405.
[FTR Amdt. 98, 66 FR 58196, Nov. 20, 2001, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2011-01, 76 FR 18343, Apr. 1, 2011]