Can Federal agencies disapprove permit applications or cancel issued permits?

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§ 102-74.500 Can Federal agencies disapprove permit applications or cancel issued permits?

Yes, Federal agencies may disapprove any permit application or cancel an issued permit if -

(a) The applicant has failed to submit all information required under §§ 102-74.470 and 102-74.475, or has falsified such information;

(b) The proposed use is a commercial activity as defined in § 102-71.20 of this chapter;

(c) The proposed use interferes with access to the public area, disrupts official Government business, interferes with approved uses of the property by tenants or by the public, or damages any property;

(d) The proposed use is intended to influence or impede any pending judicial proceeding;

(e) The proposed use is obscene within the meaning of obscenity as defined in 18 U.S.C. 1461-65; or

(f) The proposed use violates the prohibition against political solicitations in 18 U.S.C. 607.

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