The agency prepayment audit program must include -
(a) The agency's CFO approval of the transportation prepayment audit program with submission to GSA Transportation Audits Division;
(b) Compliance with the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901, et seq.);
(c) Assurance that each TSP bill or employee travel voucher contains appropriate information for the prepayment audit to determine which contract or rate tender is used and that the type and quantity of any additional services are clearly delineated;
(d) Verification of all transportation bills against filed rates and charges before payment;
(e) A process to forward all transportation documentation (TD) monthly to the GSA Transportation Audits Division.
(1) GSA Transportation Audits Division can provide your agency a Prepayment Audit Program with a monthly reporting template upon request at [email protected] (see § 102-118.35 for definition TD).
(2) In addition to the requirements for agencies to maintain transportation records, GSA will store paid transportation bills in accordance with the General Records Schedule 9, Travel and Transportation (36 CFR 1228.22). GSA will arrange for storage of any document requiring special handling, such as bankruptcy and court cases. These bills will be retained pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3309 until claims have been settled;
(f) Establish procedures in which transportation bills not subject to prepayment audit, such as bills for unused tickets and charge card billings, are handled separately and are also forwarded monthly to the GSA Transportation Audits Division;
(g) A minimum dollar threshold for transportation bills subject to audit;
(h) A statement in a cost reimbursable contracts contract or rate tender that the contractor shall submit to the address and in the electronic format identified for prepayment audit, transportation documents which show that the United States will assume freight charges that were paid by the contractor. Cost reimbursable contractors shall only submit for audit bills of lading with freight shipment charges exceeding $100.00. Bills under $100.00 shall be retained on-site by the contractor and made available for on-site Government audits (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.247-67);
(i) Require your agency's paying office to offset, if directed by GSA's Transportation Audits Division, debts from amounts owed to the TSP within the 3 years (31 U.S.C. 3726(b));
(j) A process to ensure complete and accurate audits of all transportation bills and notification to the TSP of any adjustment within 7 calendar days of receipt of the bill;
(k) An appeals process as part of the approved prepayment audit program for a TSP to appeal any reduction in the amount billed. Refer to § 102-118.295 for details regarding the appeals process.
(l) Accurate notices and agency procedures for notifying the TSPs with a detailed description of the reasons for any full or partial rejection of the stated charges on the invoice. Refer to § 102-118.290 for notice requirements; and
(m) A unique agency numbering system to handle commercial paper and practices (see § 102-118.55 for information on administrative procedures your agency must establish).