(a) Renewable fuels producer or importer violation. Except as provided in § 80.1455, no person shall produce or import a renewable fuel without complying with the requirements of § 80.1426 regarding the generation and assignment of RINs.
(b) RIN generation and transfer violations. No person shall do any of the following:
(1) Generate a RIN for a fuel that is not a renewable fuel, or for which the applicable renewable fuel volume was not produced.
(2) Create or transfer to any person a RIN that is invalid under § 80.1431.
(3) Transfer to any person a RIN that is not properly identified as required under § 80.1425.
(4) Transfer to any person a RIN with a K code of 1 without transferring an appropriate volume of renewable fuel to the same person on the same day.
(5) Introduce into commerce any renewable fuel produced from a feedstock or through a process that is not described in the person's registration information.
(6) Generate a RIN for fuel for which RINs have previously been generated.
(7) Generate a RIN for fuel that fails to meet all the conditions set forth in an approval document for a pathway petition submitted under § 80.1416.
(c) RIN use violations. No person shall do any of the following:
(1) Fail to acquire sufficient RINs, or use invalid RINs, to meet the person's RVOs under § 80.1427.
(2) Use a validly generated RIN to meet the person's RVOs under § 80.1427, or separate and transfer a validly generated RIN, where the person using the RIN ultimately uses the renewable fuel volume associated with the RIN in an application other than for use as transportation fuel, jet fuel, or heating oil (as defined in § 80.1401).
(3) Use a validly generated RIN to meet the person's RVOs under § 80.1427, or separate and transfer a validly generated RIN, where the person ultimately uses the renewable fuel volume associated with the RIN in an application other than for use as transportation fuel, jet fuel, or heating oil (as defined in § 80.1401).
(d) RIN retention violation. No person shall retain RINs in violation of the requirements in § 80.1428(a)(5).
(e) Causing a violation. No person shall cause another person to commit an act in violation of any prohibited act under this section.
(f) Failure to meet a requirement. No person shall fail to meet any requirement that applies to that person under this subpart.
(g) Failing to use a renewable fuel oil for its intended use. No person shall use fuel oil that meets paragraph (2) of the definition of “heating oil” in § 80.1401 and for which RINs have been generated in an application other than to heat or cool interior spaces of homes or buildings to control ambient climate for human comfort.
(h) RIN separation violations. No person shall do any of the following:
(1) Identify separated RINs in EMTS with the wrong separation reason code.
(2) Identify separated RINs in EMTS without having a qualifying separation event pursuant to § 80.1429.
(3) Separate more than 2.5 RINs per gallon of renewable fuel that has a valid qualifying separation event pursuant to § 80.1429.
(4) Separate RINs outside of the requirements in § 80.1452(c).
(5) Improperly separate RINs in any other way not listed in paragraphs (h)(1)-(4) of this section.
(i) Independent third-party auditor violations. No person shall do any of the following:
(1) Fail to fully implement a QAP approved under § 80.1469.
(2) Fail to fully, accurately, and timely notify all appropriate parties of potentially invalid RINs under § 80.1474(b).
(3) Verify a RIN under § 80.1471(e) without verifying every applicable requirement in § 80.1469 and verifying each element in an approved QAP.
(j) Redesignation violations. No person may exceed the balance requirements at § 80.1408(a)(2)(i) without incurring an RVO.
[75 FR 14863, Mar. 26, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 26047, May 10, 2010; 77 FR 1357, Jan. 9, 2012; 78 FR 62471, Oct. 22, 2013; 79 FR 42119, July 18, 2014; 85 FR 7080, Feb. 6, 2020]