How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations?

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§ 63.8689 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations?

(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limitation that applies to you according to Table 4 to this subpart.

(b) Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, you must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table 2 to this subpart that applies to you according to the requirements in § 63.8687 and Table 3 to this subpart.

(c) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.8692(e).

(d) For control devices used to comply with the particulate matter standards in Table 1 to this subpart, you may establish any of the operating limits for pressure drop range (i.e., a minimum and a maximum pressure drop) across the control device using manufacturers' specifications in lieu of complying with paragraph (b) of this section.

[68 FR 24577, May 7, 2003, as amended at 85 FR 14549, Mar. 12, 2020]

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