What records must I keep?

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§ 63.8256 What records must I keep?

(a) General records. You must keep the records in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) A copy of each notification and report that you submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any initial notification or Notification of Compliance Status that you submitted, according to the requirements in § 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).

(2) The records in § 63.6(e)(3)(iii) through (v) related to startup, shutdown, and malfunction.

(b) Records associated with the by-product hydrogen stream and end box ventilation system vent emission limitations and the mercury thermal recovery unit vent emission limitations. You must keep the records in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section related to the emission limitations in § 63.8190(a)(2) through (3) and (b).

(1) Records of performance tests as required in § 63.10(b)(2)(viii).

(2) Records of the mercury emissions monitoring conducted during the performance tests.

(3) Records of the continuous or periodic mercury emissions monitoring data.

(4) Records of the 52-week rolling average mercury emissions.

(5) Records associated with your site-specific monitoring plan required in § 63.8242(a)(3) (i.e., results of inspections, calibrations, and validation checks of each mercury concentration continuous monitoring system (CMS)).

(6) Records of chlorine production on a weekly basis.

(c) Records associated with the work practice standards.

(1) If you choose not to institute a cell room monitoring program according to § 63.8192(g) of this subpart, you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) Records specified in Table 9 to this subpart related to the work practice standards in Tables 1 through 4 of this subpart.

(ii) Your current floor-level mercury vapor measurement plan.

(iii) Records of the average value calculated from at least three measurements taken according to your floor-level mercury vapor measurement plan.

(iv) Records indicated in § 63.8192(d)(4)(i) for maintenance activities that cause the floor-level mercury concentration to exceed the action level.

(v) Records of all inspections and corrective actions taken in response to a non-maintenance related situation in which the mercury vapor concentration exceeds the floor-level mercury concentration action level.

(2) You must maintain a copy of your current washdown plan and records of when each washdown occurs.

(3) You must maintain records of the mass of virgin mercury added to cells for each reporting period.

(4) If you choose to institute a cell room monitoring program according to § 63.8192(g) of this subpart, you must keep your current cell room monitoring plan and the records specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) Records of the monitoring conducted in accordance with § 63.8192(g)(2)(i) to establish your action level, and records demonstrating the development of this action level.

(ii) Records of the cell room mercury concentration monitoring data collected.

(iii) Instances when the action level is exceeded.

(iv) Records specified in § 63.8192(g)(4)(i) for maintenance activities that cause the mercury vapor concentration to exceed the action level.

(v) Records of all inspections and corrective actions taken in response to a non-maintenance related situation in which the mercury vapor concentration exceeds the action level.

(d) Records associated with the periodic monitoring option if your final control device is not a nonregenerable carbon adsorber. You must keep the records in paragraph (d)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Records of the CPMS data collected during the performance test as specified in § 63.8232(f)(1).

(2) Records documenting the development of the maximum monitoring value or minimum monitoring value, as appropriate, according to § 63.8232(f)(2).

(3) Records of hourly average values of applicable parameters monitored as specified in § 63.8244(b)(2)(ii) or (iii).

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