How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and work practice standards?

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§ 63.8236 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and work practice standards?

(a) For each mercury cell chlor-alkali production facility, you have demonstrated initial compliance with the applicable emission limit for by-product hydrogen streams and end box ventilation system vents in § 63.8190(a)(2) if you comply with paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section:

(1) Total mercury emission rate from all by-product hydrogen streams and all end box ventilation system vents, if applicable, at the affected source, determined according to §§ 63.8232 and 63.8234(a), did not exceed the applicable emission limit in § 63.8190(a)(2)(i) or (ii); and

(2) If you have chosen the periodic monitoring option specified in § 63.8240(b) and your final control device is not a nonregenerable carbon adsorber, you have established a parameter value according to § 63.8232(f)(2).

(b) For each mercury recovery facility, you have demonstrated initial compliance with the applicable emission limit for mercury thermal recovery unit vents in § 63.8190(a)(3) if you comply with paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Mercury concentration in each mercury thermal recovery unit vent exhaust, determined according to §§ 63.8232 and 63.8234(b), did not exceed the applicable emission limit in § 63.8190(a)(3)(i) or (ii); and

(2) If you have chosen the periodic monitoring option in § 63.8240(b) and have a final control device that is not a nonregenerable carbon adsorber, you have established a maximum or minimum monitoring value, as appropriate for your control device according to § 63.8232(f)(2).

(c) For each affected source, you have demonstrated initial compliance with the applicable work practice standards in § 63.8192 if you comply with paragraphs (c)(1) through (7) of this section.

(1) You certify in your Notification of Compliance Status that you are operating according to the work practice standards in § 63.8192(a) through (d).

(2) You choose the continuous cell room monitoring program option, you certify in your Notification of Compliance Status that you are operating according to the continuous cell room monitoring program under § 63.8192(g) and you have established your action level according to § 63.8192(g)(2).

(3) You certify in your Notification of Compliance Status that you are operating according to your washdown plan.

(4) You have submitted your washdown plan as part of your Notification of Compliance Status.

(5) You have submitted your continuous cell room monitoring plan, if applicable, as part of your Notification of Compliance Status.

(6) You have submitted your floor-level cell room monitoring plan, if applicable, as part of your Notification of Compliance Status.

(7) You have submitted records of the mass of virgin mercury added to cells for the 5 years preceding the applicable compliance date for your affected source as a part of the Notification of Compliance Status.

(d) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.8252(e).

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