What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?

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§ 63.8226 What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?

(a) You must be in compliance with the applicable emission limitations for by-product hydrogen streams, end box ventilation system vents, and mercury thermal recovery unit vents in § 63.8190 at all times, except during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. You must be in compliance with the applicable work practice standards in § 63.8192 at all times, except during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction.

(b) You must develop a written startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (SSMP) according to the provisions in § 63.6(e)(3).

[68 FR 70928, Dec. 19, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 20469, Apr. 20, 2006]

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