What are my compliance dates?

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§ 63.11560 What are my compliance dates?

(a) If you own or operate an existing affected source, you must be in compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart no later than December 2, 2010. As specified in § 63.11562(f), you must demonstrate initial compliance within 180 calendar days after December 2, 2010.

(b) If you own or operate a new affected source, you must be in compliance with the provisions in this subpart on or before December 2, 2009 or upon startup, whichever date is later. As specified in § 63.11562(g), you must demonstrate initial compliance with the applicable emission limits no later than 180 calendar days after December 2, 2009 or within 180 calendar days after startup of the source, whichever is later.

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