What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?

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§ 63.11449 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?

(a) This subpart applies to each existing or new affected glass melting furnace that is located at a glass manufacturing facility and satisfies the requirements specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) The furnace is a continuous furnace, as defined in § 63.11459.

(2) The furnace is charged with compounds of one or more glass manufacturing metal HAP as raw materials.

(3) The furnace is used to produce glass, which contains one or more of the glass manufacturing metal HAP as raw materials, at a rate of at least 45 Mg/yr (50 tpy).

(b) A furnace that is a research and development process unit, as defined in § 63.11459, is not an affected furnace under this subpart.

(c) An affected source is an existing source if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the affected source on or before September 20, 2007.

(d) An affected source is a new source if you commenced construction or reconstruction of the affected source after September 20, 2007.

(e) If you own or operate an area source subject to this subpart, you must obtain a permit under 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71.

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