What are my reporting requirements?

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§ 63.11095 What are my reporting requirements?

(a) Each owner or operator of a bulk terminal or a pipeline breakout station subject to the control requirements of this subpart shall include in a semiannual compliance report to the Administrator the following information, as applicable:

(1) For storage vessels, if you are complying with options 2(a), 2(b), or 2(c) in Table 1 to this subpart, the information specified in § 60.115b(a), § 60.115b(b), or § 60.115b(c) of this chapter, depending upon the control equipment installed, or, if you are complying with option 2(d) in Table 1 to this subpart, the information specified in § 63.1066.

(2) For loading racks, each loading of a gasoline cargo tank for which vapor tightness documentation had not been previously obtained by the facility.

(3) For equipment leak inspections, the number of equipment leaks not repaired within 15 days after detection.

(4) For storage vessels complying with § 63.11087(b) after January 10, 2011, the storage vessel's Notice of Compliance Status information can be included in the next semi-annual compliance report in lieu of filing a separate Notification of Compliance Status report under § 63.11093.

(b) Each owner or operator of an affected source subject to the control requirements of this subpart shall submit an excess emissions report to the Administrator at the time the semiannual compliance report is submitted. Excess emissions events under this subpart, and the information to be included in the excess emissions report, are specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) Each instance of a non-vapor-tight gasoline cargo tank loading at the facility in which the owner or operator failed to take steps to assure that such cargo tank would not be reloaded at the facility before vapor tightness documentation for that cargo tank was obtained.

(2) Each reloading of a non-vapor-tight gasoline cargo tank at the facility before vapor tightness documentation for that cargo tank is obtained by the facility in accordance with § 63.11094(b).

(3) Each exceedance or failure to maintain, as appropriate, the monitored operating parameter value determined under § 63.11092(b). The report shall include the monitoring data for the days on which exceedances or failures to maintain have occurred, and a description and timing of the steps taken to repair or perform maintenance on the vapor collection and processing systems or the CMS.

(4) Each instance in which malfunctions discovered during the monitoring and inspections required under § 63.11092(b)(1)(i)(B)(2) and (b)(1)(iii)(B)(2) were not resolved according to the necessary corrective actions described in the monitoring and inspection plan. The report shall include a description of the malfunction and the timing of the steps taken to correct the malfunction.

(5) For each occurrence of an equipment leak for which no repair attempt was made within 5 days or for which repair was not completed within 15 days after detection:

(i) The date on which the leak was detected;

(ii) The date of each attempt to repair the leak;

(iii) The reasons for the delay of repair; and

(iv) The date of successful repair.

(c) Each owner or operator of a bulk gasoline plant or a pipeline pumping station shall submit a semiannual excess emissions report, including the information specified in paragraphs (a)(3) and (b)(5) of this section, only for a 6-month period during which an excess emission event has occurred. If no excess emission events have occurred during the previous 6-month period, no report is required.

(d) Each owner or operator of an affected source under this subpart shall submit a semiannual report including the number, duration, and a brief description of each type of malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded. The report must also include a description of actions taken by an owner or operator during a malfunction of an affected source to minimize emissions in accordance with § 63.11085(a), including actions taken to correct a malfunction. The report may be submitted as a part of the semiannual compliance report, if one is required. Owners or operators of affected bulk plants and pipeline pumping stations are not required to submit reports for periods during which no malfunctions occurred.

[73 FR 1933, Jan. 10, 2008, as amended at 73 FR 12276, Mar. 7, 2008; 76 FR 4178, Jan. 24, 2011]

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