What is an existing incineration unit?

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§ 60.2992 What is an existing incineration unit?

An existing incineration unit is an OSWI unit or air curtain incinerator subject to this subpart that commenced construction on or before December 9, 2004, except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section.

(a) If the owner or operator of an incineration unit makes changes that meet the definition of modification or reconstruction on or after June 16, 2006, the unit becomes subject to subpart EEEE of this part (New Source Performance Standards for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units) and the State plan no longer applies to that unit.

(b) If the owner or operator of an existing incineration unit makes physical or operational changes to the unit primarily to comply with the State plan, then subpart EEEE of this part does not apply to that unit. Such changes do not qualify as modifications or reconstructions under subpart EEEE of this part.

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