Pretreatment standards for new sources.

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§ 421.296 Pretreatment standards for new sources.

Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7, any new source subject to this subpart which introduces pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works must comply with 40 CFR part 403 and achieve the following pretreatment standards for new sources. The mass of wastewater pollutants in secondary tin process wastewater introduced into a POTW shall not exceed the following values:

(a) Tin smelter SO2 scrubber.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of crude tapped tin produced
Arsenic 12.790 5.703
Lead 2.575 1.196
Iron 11.040 5.611
Tin 3.495 2.024

(b) Dealuminizing rinse.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of dealuminized scrap produced
Lead 0.010 0.005
Cyanide (total) 0.007 0.003
Fluoride 1.225 0.697
Tin 0.013 0.008

(c) Tin mud acid neutralization filtrate.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million of pounds) of neutralized dewatered tin mud produced
Lead 1.413 0.656
Cyanide (total) 1.009 0.404
Fluoride 176.600 100.400
Tin 1.918 1.110

(d) Tin hydroxide wash.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tin hydroxide washed
Lead 3.347 1.554
Cyanide (total) 2.391 0.956
Fluoride 418.400 237.900
Tin 4.542 2.630

(e) Spent electrowinning solution from new scrap.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cathode tin produced
Lead 4.704 2.184
Cyanide (total) 3.360 1.344
Fluoride 588.000 334.300
Tin 6.384 3.696

(f) Spent electrowinning solution from municipal solid waste.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of MSW scrap used as raw material
Lead 0.033 0.015
Cyanide (total) 0.024 0.010
Fluoride 4.165 2.368
Tin 0.045 0.026

(g) Tin hydroxide supernatant from scrap.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tin metal recovered from scrap
Lead 15.580 7.233
Cyanide (total) 11.130 4.451
Fluoride 1,947.000 1,107.000
Tin 21.140 12.240

(h) Tin hydroxide supernatant from plating solutions and ludges.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tin metal recovered from plating solutions and sludges
Lead 32.20 14.95
Cyanide (total) 23.00 9.20
Fluoride 4,025.00 2,289.00
Tin 43.70 25.30

(i) Tin hydroxide filtrate.

PSNS for the Secondary Tin Subcategory

Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tin metal produced
Lead 7.012 3.256
Cyanide (total) 5.009 2.004
Fluoride 876.500 498.400
Tin 9.517 5.510

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