Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT).

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§ 419.42 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT).

(a) Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart must achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT):

Expand Table
Pollutant or pollutant property BPT effluent limitations
Maximum for any 1 day Average of daily values for 30 consecutive days shall not exceed
Metric units (kilograms per 1,000 m3 of feedstock)
BOD5 50.6 25.8
TSS 35.6 22.7
COD1 360.0 187.0
Oil and grease 16.2 8.5
Phenolic compounds 0.38 0.184
Ammonia as N 23.4 10.6
Sulfide 0.33 0.150
Total chromium 0.77 0.45
Hexavalent chromium 0.068 0.030
pH (2) (2)
English units (pounds per 1,000 bbl of feedstock)
BOD5 17.9 9.1
TSS 12.5 8.0
COD1 127.0 66.0
Oil and grease 5.7 3.0
Phenolic compounds 0.133 0.065
Ammonia as N 8.3 3.8
Sulfide 0.118 0.053
Total chromium 0.273 0.160
Hexavalent chromium 0.024 0.011
pH (2) (2)

(b) The limits set forth in paragraph (a) of this section are to be multiplied by the following factors to calculate the maximum for any one day and maximum average of daily values for thirty consecutive days.

(1) Size factor.

Expand Table
1,000 bbl of feedstock per stream day Size factor
Less than 49.9 0.71
50.0 to 74.9 0.74
75.0 to 99.9 0.81
100.0 to 124.9 0.88
125.0 to 149.9 0.97
150.0 to 174.9 1.05
175.0 to 199.9 1.14
200.0 or greater 1.19

(2) Process factor.

Expand Table
Process configuration Process factor
Less than 6.49 0.81
6.5 to 7.49 0.88
7.5 to 7.99 1.00
8.0 to 8.49 1.09
8.5 to 8.99 1.19
9.0 to 9.49 1.29
9.5 to 9.99 1.41
10.0 to 10.49 1.53
10.5 to 10.99 1.67
11.0 to 11.49 1.82
11.5 to 11.99 1.98
12.0 to 12.49 2.15
12.5 to 12.99 2.34
13.0 or greater 2.44

(3) Example of the application of the above factors. Example - Lube refinery 125, 000 bbl per stream day throughput.

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Calculation of the Process Configuration

Process category Process included Weighting factor
Crude Atm crude distillation
Vacuum, crude distillation
Cracking and coking Fluid cat. cracking
Thermal cracking
Moving bed cat. cracking
Fluid coking
Delayed coking
Lube Further defined in the development document 13
Asphalt Asphalt production
Asphalt oxidation
Asphalt emulsifying
Expand Table
Process Capacity (1,000 bbl per stream day) Capacity relative to throughput Weighting Factor Processing configuration
Atm 125.0 1.0
Vacuum 60.0 0.48
Desalting 125.0 1.0
Total 2.48 × 1 = 2.48
Cracking-FCC 41.0 0.328
Hydrocracking 20.0 0.160
Total 0.488 × 6 = 2.93
Lubes 5.3 0.042
4.0 0.032
4.9 0.039
Total 0.113 × 13 = 1.47
Asphalt 4.0 0.032 × 12 = .38
Refinery process configuration = 7.26

(c) The provisions of § 419.12(c) apply to discharges of process wastewater pollutants attributable to ballast water by a point source subject to the provisions of this subpart.

(d) The quantity and quality of pollutants or pollutant properties controlled by this paragraph, attributable to once-through cooling water, are excluded from the discharge allowed by paragraph (b) of this section. Once-through cooling water may be discharged with a total organic carbon concentration not to exceed 5 mg/l.

(e) Effluent limitations for contaminated runoff. The following effluent limitations constitute the quantity and quality of pollutants or pollutant properties controlled by this paragraph and attributable to contaminated runoff, which may be discharged after the application of the best practicable control technology currently available by a point source subject to this subpart.

(1) If wastewater consists solely of contaminated runoff and is not commingled or treated with process wastewater, it may be discharged if it does not exceed 15 mg/l oil and grease and 110 mg/l total organic carbon (TOC) based upon an analysis of any single grab or composite sample.

(2) If contaminated runoff is commingled or treated with process wastewater, or if wastewater consisting solely of contaminated runoff which exceeds 15 mg/l oil and grease or 110 mg/l TOC is not commingled or treated with any other type of wastewater, the quantity of pollutants discharged shall not exceed the quantity determined by multiplying the flow of contaminated runoff as determined by the permit writer times the concentrations listed in the following table:

Expand Table
Pollutant or pollutant property BPT effluent limitations for contaminated runoff
Maximum for any 1 day Average of daily values for 30 consecutive days shall not exceed
Metric units (kilograms per 1,000 m3 of flow)
BOD5 48. 26.
TSS 33. 21.
COD1 360. 180.
Oil and grease 15. 8.
Phenolic compounds (4AAP) 0.35 0.17
Total chromium 0.73 0.43
Hexavalent chromium 0.062 0.028
pH (2) (2)
English units (pounds per 1,000 gallons of flow)
BOD5 0.40 0.22
TSS 0.28 0.18
COD1 3.0 1.5
Oil and grease 0.13 0.067
Phenolic compounds (4AAP) 0.0029 0.0014
Total chromium 0.0060 0.0035
Hexavalent chromium 0.00052 0.00023
pH (2) (2)

[47 FR 46446, Oct. 18, 1982, as amended at 50 FR 28522, 28523, July 12, 1985; 50 FR 32414, Aug. 12, 1985]

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