Pesticide chemicals; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.

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§ 180.905 Pesticide chemicals; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.

(a) When applied to growing crops, in accordance with good agricultural practice, the following pesticide chemicals are exempt from the requirement of a tolerance:

(1) Petroleum oils.

(2) Piperonyl butoxide.

(3) Pyrethrins.

(4) Sabadilla.

(b) When applied to growing crops, in accordance with good agricultural practice, the pesticides rotenone or derris or cube roots are exempt from the requirement of a tolerance. There are no U.S. registrations for use of rotenone, derris, or cube roots on food commodities as of March 23, 2011.

(c) These pesticides are not exempted from the requirement of a tolerance when applied to a crop at the time of or after harvest.

[77 FR 59128, Sept. 26, 2012]

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