Aspergillus flavus strains TC16F, TC35C, TC38B, and TC46G; temporary exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.
CFR 40
Protection of Environment
Environmental Protection Agency
Pesticide Programs
Tolerances and Exemptions for Pesticide Chemical Residues in Food
Exemptions From Tolerances
- Aspergillus flavus strains TC16F, TC35C, TC38B, and TC46G; temporary exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.
Temporary exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance are established for residues of Aspergillus flavus strains TC16F, TC35C, TC38B, and TC46G in or on the food and feed commodities of corn, field; corn, pop; and corn, sweet when used in accordance with the terms of Experimental Use Permit No. 91163-EUP-1. These temporary exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance expire on June 30, 2020.
[81 FR 63710, Sept. 16, 2016]
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