N-(n-octyl)-2-pyrrolidone and N-(n-dodecyl)-2-pyrrolidone; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.

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§ 180.1130 N-(n-octyl)-2-pyrrolidone and N-(n-dodecyl)-2-pyrrolidone; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.

(a) N -(n-octyl)-2-pyrrolidone and N-(n-dodecyl)-2-pyrrolidone are exempt from the requirement of a tolerance when used as solvents in cotton defoliant formulations containing thidiazuron and diuron as active ingredients.

(b) N -(n-octyl)-2-pyrrolidone is exempt from the requirement of a tolerance when used as a solvent in formulations containing pyraflufen-ethyl as an active ingredient at a concentration not to exceed 20% by weight.

[79 FR 10682, Feb. 26, 2014]

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