Methyl eugenol and malathion combination; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.

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§ 180.1067 Methyl eugenol and malathion combination; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.

The insect attractant methyl eugenol and the insecticide malathion are exempt from the requirement of tolerances on all raw agricultural commodities when used in combination in Oriental fruit fly eradication programs under the authority of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in accordance with the following directions and specifications:

(a) The combination shall be at the ratio of three parts methyl eugenol to one part technical malathion (3:1).

(b) This combination is to be impregnated on a carrier (cigarette filter tips (cellulose acetate); cotton strings; fiberboard squares) or mixed with a jel cleared under 40 CFR 180.920 or 180.950.

(c) The maximum actual dosage per application per acre shall be 28.35 grams (one ounce avoirdupois) methyl eugenol and 9.45 grams (one-third (0.33) ounce avoirdupois) technical malathion.

[47 FR 9002, Mar. 3, 1982, as amended at 69 FR 23142, Apr. 28, 2004]

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