Sodium chlorate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.

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§ 180.1020 Sodium chlorate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.

Sodium chlorate is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance for residues when used as a defoliant or desiccant in accordance with good agricultural practice on the following crops:

Bean, dry, seed

Corn, field, forage

Corn, field, grain

Corn, field, stover

Corn, pop, grain

Corn, pop, stover

Corn, sweet, forage

Corn, sweet, stover

Cotton, undelinted seed

Flax, seed

Grain, aspirated fractions

Guar, seed

Pea, southern

Pepper, nonbell


Rice, grain

Rice, straw

Safflower, seed

Sorghum, forage, forage

Sorghum, grain, forage

Sorghum, grain, grain

Sorghum, grain, stover

Soybean, forage

Soybean, hay

Soybean, seed

Sunflower, seed

Wheat, grain

[74 FR 47457, Sept. 16, 2009]

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