Sulfuric acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.

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§ 180.1019 Sulfuric acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance.

(a) Residues of sulfuric acid are exempted from the requirement of a tolerance when used in accordance with good agricultural practice when used as a herbicide in the production of garlic and onions, and as a vine desiccant in the production of potatoes and hops.

(b) Residues of sulfuric acid are exempted from the requirement of a tolerance in cattle, meat; goat, meat; hog, meat; horse, meat; sheep, meat; poultry, fat; poultry, meat; poultry, meat, byproducts; egg; milk; fish, shellfish, and irrigated crops when it results from the use of sulfuric acid as an inert ingredient in a pesticide product used in irrigation conveyance systems and lakes, ponds, reservoirs, or bodies of water in which fish or shellfish are cultivated. The sulfuric acid is not to exceed 10% of the pesticide formulation (non-aerosol formulations only).

[69 FR 40787, July 7, 2004, as amended at 74 FR 26533, June 3, 2009; 85 FR 67293, Oct. 22, 2020]

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